Hello, everyone! Welcome to My Blue Blog ~.^
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See? I know your IP, so dont open my Page Source. I see if you open my Page Source. Okay, thanks for visiting My Blog, enjoy ^.^ Follow me, please ^.^ Thanks!
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Hi! Nazwa request banyak banget, nih... >< Kali ini, dia request apa, ya? Ya, dengan melihat judul kalian sudah tahu. Ya, dia request Cursor! Semua ga boleh ambil! Kecuali Nazwa... To the point!
Semoga kamu suka ya Nazwa... Dipakai, ya... Oke, bye-bye ^^
Hi! Nazwa request banyak banget, nih... >< Kali ini, dia request apa, ya? Ya, dengan melihat judul kalian sudah tahu. Ya, dia request Cursor! Semua ga boleh ambil! Kecuali Nazwa... To the point!
Semoga kamu suka ya Nazwa... Dipakai, ya... Oke, bye-bye ^^
The Rules if you want to ex-change ^.^
1. Put me as Uzma.
2. Tell me at the Chatbox if you want to ex-change.
3. You delete mine, i delete yours.
This is the Rules. You MUST obey all the Rules!
Do not be an Anonim. If you be an Anonim, GO AWAY! Do not be a Copycat. I hate them. Do not talking with harsh words or i'll kick you out from my blog. If you want to ex-change or request, tell me at the Chat Box. If you want to copy or re-post the Tutorial, give me Credit+Link. Put your URL Blog, if you have Blog or Website. Jangan menghina-hina blogku dan aku. You delete My Banner or My Link, i delete yours too. Put my name as Uzma if you want to exchange. Yang terakhir, DO NOT OPEN MY PAGESOURCE!! If you open my PageSource, i will open your pagesource too! Remember that!!!
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